Dungeon Crawl Classics #52: Chronicle of the Fiend
This special tournament module was used for the Fourth Annual Dungeon Crawl Classics Open Tournament at Gen Con Indy 2007. It includes the official tournament scoring system, pregenerated characters, and illustrated player handouts. Four apprentices of a venerable hedge mage return from running errands to discover that their masterís tower has been burned to the ground! Arming themselves with the meager equipment undamaged in the fire, they set out to rescue him. Thus begins a series of adventures that stretches many years, as the young servants mature into mighty heroes and finally confront their masterís killer. This adventure module was originally played as a three round tournament with level 0 characters in round one, level 8 characters in round two, and level 10 characters in round three. In home play, the three adventures can be spread over an ongoing campaign.
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