Dungeon Crawl Classics #17: Legacy of the Savage Kings
For centuries, the Great Swamp has hidden hints of an ancient culture of barbarian kings. While passing through this miserable bog, the PCs encounter Stygoth the Damned, a half-dead black dragon driven mad by a mysterious disease. Delving further, the heroes discover that the disease is tied to the very swamp itself. A great corruption once infested this place, destroying the savage barbarian kings and leaving only mighty statues as their legacy. Now this corruption has returned, and a terrible Witch Queen is mining the corrupted swamp-earth to produce evil, blighted artifacts. In order to stop the spread of these evil weapons, the heroes must enter the ancient caves of the savage kings, put to rest the corrupt legacy of their downfall, end the disease that scars the land, and then face off against the Witch Queen herself.
The first Dungeon Crawl Classics module to have a detachable cover (first printing only). The inside cover is a 2-page map spread, just like the classics!
An exploration-style adventure where the PCs gradually unearth a greater mystery.
More than 50 keyed encounter areas with a wide variety of monsters, puzzles, traps, and hazards.
7 illustrated player handouts.

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